Rabu, 16 Mei 2018


Vinny Oliviana (1C614077)



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Manfaat Pepaya Bagi Kesehatan Tubuh.
Benefits of papaya for the health of the body.
The benefit of papaya for body health.
Pepaya umumnya diketahui memiliki manfaat untuk melancarkan buang air besar dan memperbaiki masalah pada saluran pencernaan.
Papaya is commonly known to have the benefit of stooling and fixing problems in the gastrointestinal tract.
Papaya commonly known to have the benefit to unleash defecation and fixing problem in gastrointestinal tract.
Namun, ternyata pepaya memiliki banyak manfaat lain bagi tubuh.
However, it turns out that papaya has many other benefits for the body.
However, apparently papaya has many other benefits for the body.
Pepaya merupakan tanaman yang bagian daun dan buah dapat bermanfaat bagi tubuh.
Papaya is a plant that leaves and fruit can be beneficial to the body.
Papaya is a plant which the leaves and the fruit can be useful for the body.
Daun pepaya dapat bermanfaat sebagai obat.
Papaya leaf can be useful as a medicine.
Papaya leaf can be useful as a medicine.

Link Source: https://vivahealth.co.id/article/detail/12304/manfaat-pepaya-bagi-kesehatan-tubuh
Full Article:


Pepaya umumnya diketahui memiliki manfaat untuk melancarkan buang air besar dan memperbaiki masalah pada saluran pencernaan. Namun, ternyata pepaya memiliki banyak manfaat lain bagi tubuh.

Pepaya merupakan tanaman yang bagian daun dan buah dapat bermanfaat bagi tubuh. Daun pepaya dapat bermanfaat sebagai obat. Sedangkan buah pepaya dapat digunakan untuk mencegah dan mengobati gangguan saluran cerna, infeksi usus, obat penenang, dan diuretik. Pepaya juga dapat digunakan sebagai pelunak daging karena memiliki kandungan papain.
Apakah kandungan nutrisi pada pepaya?
Pepaya mengandung enzim yang disebut papain, yang dapat memecah rantai protein pada daging. Pada satu pepaya kecil dengan berat 152 gram memiliki kandungan:
  • 59 kalori
  • 15gram karbohidrat
  • 3gram serat
  • 1gram protein
  • Vitamin C: 157% dari total vitamin C yang dibutuhkan tubuh dalam sehari
  • Vitamin A: 33% dari total vitamin A yang dibutuhkan tubuh dalam sehari
  • Folat: 14% dari total folat yang dibutuhkan tubuh dalam sehari
  • Kalium: 11% dari total kalium yang dibutuhkan tubuh dalam sehari
  • Terdapat beberapa kandungan lain seperti kalsium, magnesium, vitamin B1, vitamin B3, vitamin B5, vitamin E, dan vitamin K
Pepaya juga mengandung antioksidan yang disebut dengan karotenoid. Jenis karotenoid yang tertinggi pada pepaya adalah lycopene.
Pepaya merupakan antioksidan yang kuat
Antioksidan karotenoid yang terkandung pada pepaya dapat membantu menetralisir radikal bebas sehingga dapat mencegah terjadinya kerusakan.
Pepaya memiliki sifat antikanker
Menurut penelitian, kandungan lycopene pada pepaya dapat mengurangi terjadinya resiko kanker. Antioksidan kuat pada pepaya memiliki peran penting untuk mengurangi radikal bebas yang menjadi pemicu terjadinya kanker.
Pepaya dapat meningkatkan kesehatan jantung
Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa buah yang memiliki kandungan tinggi lycopene dan vitamin C dapat membantu mencegah penyakit jantung. Antioksidan dalam pepaya dapat melindungi jantung dan meningkatkan produksi HDL atau kolesterol baik. Dalam sebuah penelitian, seseorang yang mengkonsumsi suplemen pepaya yang difermentasi selama 14 minggu mengalami penurunan radang dan kadar LDL yang lebih baik serta kadar HDL menjadi lebih baik daripada orang yang tidak mengkonsumi. Hasil baik yang didapatkan dari penelitian berkaitan dengan penurunan resiko penyakit jantung.
Pepaya dapat membantu meredakan peradangan
Tingkat peradangan dapat diukur dengan pemeriksaan darah seperti protein C-reaktif (CRP), tumor necrosis factor (TNF) dan interleukin-6 (IL-6). Pada suatu penelitian menunjukkan bahwa seseorang yang mengkonsumsi buah dan sayuran yang kaya karotenoid dapat mengalami penurunan CRP yang signifikan.
Pepaya dapat memperbaiki pencernaan
Enzim papain dalam buah dapat membantu protein lebih mudah dicerna. Dalam sebuah penelitian menunjukkan bahwa seseorang yang mengkonsumsi suplemen yang berbahan pepaya selama 40 hari dapat memperbaiki konstipasi dan kembung secara signifikan. Benih, daun dan akar terbukti efektif untuk mengobati bisul.
Pepaya dapat membantu memperbaiki kerusakan kulit.
Selain menjaga kesehatan tubuh, pepaya dapat membantu kulit terlihat lebih kencang dan awet muda. Aktifitas radikal bebas yang berlebihan dapat memicu terjadinya kulit mengalami kerutan, kendur dan kerusakan kulit yang terjadi pada usia 30 tahun. Vitamin C dan lycopene dalam pepaya dapat melindungi kulit dan membantu mengurangi tanda penuaan. Dalam suatu penelitian, seseorang yang mengkonsumsi lycopene selama 10-12 minggu dapat meredakan kemerahan kulit karena paparan sinar matahari. Pada penelitian yang lain, wanita lanjut usia yang mengkonsumsi kombinasi lycopene, vitamin C dan antioksidan selama 14 minggu dapat mengalami penurunan garis dan keriput.
Pepaya dapat membantu menurunkan kadar gula darah pada penderita diabetes
Pada suatu penelitian diketahui bahwa seseorang yang mengkonsumsi setiap hari pepaya yang difermentasi selama 2 bulan dapat menurunkan kadar gula darah pada penderita diabetes.

Rabu, 11 April 2018


Angelina                     Nanda Jesica
Dede Yusri                 Pathricia M
Inra Tamtomo           Vinny Olivia
4SA02 - TUGAS 2


Blurring the Line between Language and Culture

Mengaburkan Batas antara Bahasa dan Budaya
Menyamarkan hubungan antara Bahasa dan Budaya
Fatiha Guessabi argues that culture is a language in itself,

Language always carries meanings and references beyond itself:

Fatiha Guessabi berpendapat bahwa budaya adalah bahasa itu sendiri, Bahasa selalu membawa makna dan referensi di luar dirinya:
Fatiha Guessabi berpendapat bahwa budaya merupakan bahasa itu sendiri, Bahasa selalu membawa banyak makna dan referensi melampaui bahasa itu sendiri:

The meanings of a particular language represent the culture of a particular social group.

Arti bahasa tertentu mewakili budaya kelompok sosial tertentu.
Makna dari suatu bahasa tertentu mewakili budaya dari suatu kelompok sosial tertentu.

To interact with a language means to do so with the culture which is its reference point.

Untuk berinteraksi dengan bahasa berarti melakukannya dengan budaya yang merupakan titik rujukannya.
Untuk berinteraksi dengan bahasa berarti melakukannya dengan budaya yang merupakan pentunjuk utamanya.


We could not understand a culture without having direct access to its language because of their intimate connection.

Kami tidak dapat memahami budaya tanpa memiliki akses langsung ke bahasanya karena hubungan intim mereka.

Kita tidak bisa memahami suatu budaya tanpa memiliki akses langsung ke bahasa tersebut karena hubungan intim mereka

A particular language points to the culture of a particular social group.

Suatu bahasa tertentu menunjukkan budaya suatu kelompok sosial tertentu.
Sebuah bahasa tertentu menunjukan budaya suatu kelompok sosial tertentu

Learning a language, therefore, is not only learning the alphabet, the meaning, the grammar rules and the arrangement of words, but it is also learning the behavior of the society and its cultural customs.

Belajar bahasa, oleh karena itu, tidak hanya belajar alfabet, makna, aturan tata bahasa dan pengaturan kata-kata, tetapi juga belajar perilaku masyarakat dan adat istiadat budayanya.
Mempelajari satu bahasa, oleh karena itu, tidak hanya mempelajari alfabet, makna, aturan tata bahasa, dan pengaturan kata-katanya, tapi juga mempelajari perilaku masyarakat dam adat istiadat budayanya.

Thus; language teaching should always contain some explicit reference to the culture, the whole from which the particular language is extracted.

Demikian; pengajaran bahasa harus selalu mengandung referensi eksplisit terhadap budaya, keseluruhan dari mana bahasa tertentu diekstraksi.
Jadi; pengajaran bahasa harus selalu mengandung beberapa referensi eksplisit pada budayanya, keseluruhan dari mana bahasa tertentu diambil.

The human communication process is complex, as many of our messages are transmitted through paralanguage.

Proses komunikasi manusia itu rumit, karena banyak pesan kami yang dikirim melalui bahasa paralang.
Proses komunikasi manusia rumit, karena banyak dari pesan kami dikirim melalui Bahasa non-lexikal.

These auxiliary communication techniques are culture-specific, so communication with people from other societies or ethnic groups is fraught with the danger of misunderstanding, if the larger framework of culture is ignored.

Teknik-teknik komunikasi bantu ini bersifat spesifik-budaya, sehingga komunikasi dengan orang-orang dari masyarakat lain atau kelompok etnis penuh dengan bahaya kesalahpahaman, jika kerangka budaya yang lebih besar diabaikan.
Teknik-teknik komunikasi bantu ini bersifat spesifik akan budaya, sehingga komunikasi dengan orang-orang dari masyarakat lain atau kelompok etnis penuh dengan kesalahpahaman yang berbahaya, apabila kerangka budaya yang lebih besar diabaikan.

Blurring the Line between Language and Culture


Fatiha Guessabi argues that culture is a language in itself,
Language always carries meanings and references beyond itself: The meanings of a particular language represent the culture of a particular social group. To interact with a language means to do so with the culture which is its reference point. We could not understand a culture without having direct access to its language because of their intimate connection.
A particular language points to the culture of a particular social group. Learning a language, therefore, is not only learning the alphabet, the meaning, the grammar rules and the arrangement of words, but it is also learning the behavior of the society and its cultural customs. Thus; language teaching should always contain some explicit reference to the culture, the whole from which the particular language is extracted.
The human communication process is complex, as many of our messages are transmitted through paralanguage. These auxiliary communication techniques are culture-specific, so communication with people from other societies or ethnic groups is fraught with the danger of misunderstanding, if the larger framework of culture is ignored.
Growing up in a particular society, we informally learn how to use gestures, glances, slight changes in tone or voice, and other auxiliary communication devices to alter or to emphasize what we say and do. We learn these culturally specific techniques over many years, largely by observing and imitating.
The most obvious form of paralanguage is body language, or Kinesics, which is the language of gestures, expressions, and postures. However, the meaning of words can also be altered by tone and character of voice.
Language is culture and
culture is language
Language and culture have a complex, homologous relationship. Language is complexly intertwined with culture (they have evolved together, influencing one another in the process, ultimately shaping what it means to be human). In this context, A.L.Krober (1923) said, “culture, then, began when speech was present, and from then on, the enrichment of either means the further development of the other.”
If culture is a product of human interaction, cultural manifestations are acts of communication that are assumed by particular speech communities. According to Rossi Landi (1973), “the totality of the messages we exchange with one another while speaking a given language constitutes a speech community, that is, the whole society understood from the point of view of speaking.” He further explains that all children learn their language from their societies, and during the process of learning a language also learn their culture and develop their cognitive abilities.
Language communicates through culture and culture also communicates through language: Michael Silverstein proposed that the communicative force of culture works not only in representing aspects of reality, but also in connecting one context with another. That is, communication is not only the use of symbols that “stand for” beliefs, feelings, identities, or events, it is also a way of bringing beliefs, feelings, and identities into the present context.
According to the linguistic relativity principle, the way in which we think about the world is directly influenced by the language we use to talk about it. “The real world is, to a large extent, unconsciously built up on the language habits of the group. No two languages are ever so similar that they represent the same social reality. The worlds in which different societies live are distinct, not merely the same with a different label attached” (Edward Sapir, 1929). Therefore, to speak is to assume a culture, and to know a culture is like knowing a language. Language and culture are homologous mental realities. Cultural products are representations and interpretations of the world that must be communicated in order to be lived.
The problem lies in what happens when cross-cultural interactions take place, i.e., when message producer and message receiver are from different cultures. Contact among cultures is increasing and intercultural communication is imperative for anyone wanting to get along with and understand those whose beliefs and backgrounds may be vastly different from their own.
Language can mark the cultural identity, but it is also used to refer to other phenomena and refer beyond itself, especially when a particular speaker uses it to explain intentions. A particular language points to the culture of a particular social group. We can therefore presume that language learning is cultural learning, so language teaching is cultural teaching due to the interdependence of language and cultural learning.
Culture is a fuzzy set of attitudes, beliefs, behavioral conventions, basic assumptions, and values that are shared by a group of people and that influence each member’s behavior and each member’s interpretations of the meanings of other people’s behavior. And language is the medium for expressing and embodying other phenomena. It expresses the values, beliefs and meanings which members of a given society share by virtue of their socialization into it. Language also refers to objects peculiar to a given culture, as evidenced by proper names which embody those objects. Byran posited that “a loaf of bread” evokes a specific culture of objects in British usage unless a conscious effort is made to empty it of that reference and introduce a new one. So, we can conclude that language is a part of culture, and through it, we can express cultural beliefs and values, and that the specific usages of a given word are peculiar to a language and its relationship with culture.
In fact, language teaching means, inevitably, language and cultural teaching. According to Buttjest, “Culture learning is actually a key factor in being able to use and master a foreign linguistic system.” The Bellagio Declaration of the European Cultural Foundation and the International Council for Educational Development states, “For effective international cooperation, knowledge of other countries and their cultures is as important as proficiency in their languages and such knowledge is dependent on foreign language teaching.”
Learning a language is therefore learning the behavior of a given society and its cultural customs. Language is a product of the thought and behavior of a society. An individual language speaker’s effectiveness in a foreign language is directly related to his/her understanding of the culture of that language (Taylor, 1979), and it is possible to consider teaching culture through learners’ own languages, which can be used in a specific way to interpret the other culture (Ager).
Finally, we can conclude that immersion teaching accelerates the acquisition of cultural knowledge: “…the integration of language and culture learning by using the language as medium for the continuing socialization of students is a process which is not intended to imitate and replicate the socialization of native-speaker teachers but rather to develop student’s cultural competence from its existing stage, by changing it into intercultural competence” (Fengping Gao).